
MEDIA WATCH Asked to Respect the Scientology Religion
The reason Scientology has survived and flourished, as it has for the last 67 years, notwithstanding the carping criticism of certain bigoted sources, is its workability and thus its popularity. You name-drop the word Scientology into your article because of its recognition and its popularity. Were that not true, it would be a dim distant memory in only a few people’s minds. It isn’t.
MEDIA WATCH—“The Only Downside” Is Your Intolerance
Nice of you to note the heroic work of Riverdale actress Marisol Nichols, who is actually doing something about sex trafficking. Pity you felt you had to resort to trying to shame her for her religious beliefs in the process.
Stop Supporting Sleazy Anti-Religious Programming, Comcast
This is the kind of sleazy programming your company shouldn’t be supporting.
“The Real” Rejects Freedom of Religion, Opts for Bigotry Instead
There can only be one reason why we have not heard back from you. Bigotry. With your silence, you have confirmed you intend to provide a platform for hate and hate speech because “The Real” gives lip service to diversity, equity and inclusion, but the willingness stops there.
MEDIA WATCH’s Discrimination Misses Boat on Scientology Religion
Scientology is a truly unique contemporary religion—the only major religion to emerge in the 20th century and flourish in the 21st. While it owes a spiritual debt to Eastern religions, it was born in the West and its religious beliefs are expressed in the technological language of the mid-20th century. Scientology adds a precise and workable technology for applying spiritual concepts to every aspect of life.
MEDIA WATCH’s Hillary Kelly Alarmed That Members of Other Faiths Shop at Her Grocery Store
On behalf of Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination, I write to express our profound disgust at the marginalizing, ignorant, bigoted jargon you employ in your article “The Vow Recap: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone.”
WCCB’s Derek James Announces Support of Antireligious Bigotry on the CW
It’s truly remarkable that you would expose yourself on network television as someone who promotes religious bigotry, as you did on the 30th when you mentioned your favorite podcast.
13-Year-Old Boy Demands Cancellation of A&E / Remini Hate Show
A teenage boy in India is taking on A&E executives Nancy Dubuc and Paul Buccieri in a grassroots campaign against bigotry, hate and inciting violence. After seeing on-air previews of Leah Remini’s reality TV show that spreads hate about the Church of Scientology, New Delhi teenager Ram Sharma said he was “sick of” Remini’s bigoted rants.
A Double Standard at Disney
How can one describe the Disney double standard that reacts instantly to an 11-word tweet but maintains utter silence in the face of 16 hour-long programs linked to more than 500 threats of murder, arson and other violence? Sanctimonious. Hypocritical. Either word serves.
Andrei Silviu Organ Identified as Anonymous Enabler of Hate Blogger Tony Ortega
On August 16, another anonymous source responded to STAND’s call for information on enablers of hate blogger Tony Ortega, revealing the identity of “DodoTheLaser,” the Disqus commenting account employed by Andrei Silviu Organ.