Tony Ortega

Bigot by Trade: Tony Ortega
It’s about time this child sex trafficking apologist and anti-Scientology extremist, along with his antireligious wife were exposed for who they truly are: toxic inhibitors of well-meaning members of society.
Tony Ortega—The Troll and His Prison of Hate
The story reads like a sordid crime novel, with Ortega as willing accomplice, motivated by greed and devoid of human decency. It might be entertaining, were it not for the real-life victims of his complacency and collusion—children sold on Backpage as sex slaves, victims of sexual violence, physical and psychological abuse, and murder—the details of which are well-documented.
While We Celebrate Slavery’s End, We Should Condemn Its Modern-Day Champions
Who would sink so far as to defend the sex trafficking of children? Into what deep well of slime has a person willingly fallen when he flaunts perversion as a victory and the degradation of the human spirit as a goal?
Who Is Tony Ortega?
What do you call someone who follows the white supremacist playbook, condemning good people whose only sin is their very existence?
Why Would Anyone Attack Scientology?
When I first got involved with Scientology, I had to wade through misinformation to really understand what it was and what it wasn’t. Because I had no frame of reference in those early days, all the information sort of mixed together, and it was very hard to separate fact from fiction.
Horrible Bigotry at HuffPost
When alarming accusations start to fly in the media, as they do more and more these days, do the right thing and scrutinize the accuser, not only the accused. If we do that the truth becomes blindingly clear; his accusers have nothing to say but lies, and their only intention is to bring harm to a person of good will.
Huffington Post Found Nurturing a Religious Hater
Tony Ortega is the caliber of researcher best employed by the likes of Ali—someone so utterly devoid of ethics that any claim, false or embellished, will do for his attack-dog writing.
Disgust Over Daily Mail’s Bigoted Report on Award-Winning Actress
You attack a religion over totally unsubstantiated claims, using allegations taken from an active proponent of Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?
ABC Australia Siding with the Bigots
Leave it to ABC to cite to notorious religious bigots and racists as their authority on how to attack people working diligently to help children and adults recover their ability to study through L. Ron Hubbard’s Study Technology at Applied Scholastics.
Does Mercury News Publisher Sharon Ryan Stand by the Paper’s Bigotry?
The article was biased and discriminatory in the extreme and targeted an individual exclusively because of his membership in a minority religion, in blatant violation of Bay Area News Group published policies and standards mandating “fairness” “accuracy” and “credibility.”