
Giving Thanks Grateful to be a Scientologist
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Some of my earliest memories are of my extended family gathering at my great-grandmother’s farmhouse in the country and eating an absolute feast.
Three Religions and a Wedding
Guests of many religions were in attendance. We had Jewish relatives from my side, Catholics from my husband's side, Christians from the groom’s side, and of course, Scientologist friends in abundance.
Want to Find Out What Scientology Is? Talk to a Scientologist.
I come from a large, affectionate family that includes grandparents, parents, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. Looking back many years, when we were all much younger, family occasions would fill a house to the rafters with love, gossip and good food.
Two Verbs: Faith and Love
I learned one of the most important lessons of my life in my early 30s. I spent my teens and 20s with a storybook, romantic idea of love. “Love is something that happens to you. You fall in or out of love, almost like having some sort of accident.“
ABC 20/20 is missing the point
I have been a Scientologist since 1982 and I have two daughters ages 23 and 26 who were raised in the Scientology faith.
Bias and a total ignorance of the facts
This is the diametrical opposite of all the inappropriate things children are exposed to in the media these days—immorality, irresponsibility, drug abuse, and so on.
20/20’s bigoted show on Scientology
This piece represents an open attack against a set of beliefs millions hold as true. I was happily and successfully brought up as a Scientologist and know many more have too.
I have to say, this does get old
I truly hope you find the time to consider what you are really trying to do.
Bigotry and misinformation
My family came to this country to escape religious persecution, so I find it terribly distressing to hear that you are choosing to do a biased, one-sided piece on the Church of Scientology and Scientologists.
Disappointed in ABC’s Coverage
If you seek truth, listen not to what is said but to what one is doing. Scientology is bringing positive change to the world.