What is the Foundation for a Drug-Free World?

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and dedicated to the eradication of illicit drugs, their abuse and their attendant criminality. The Drug-Free World campaign is predicated on the statistically proven fact that wherever young people are presented with the unvarnished “truth about drugs,” illicit usage drops. Accordingly, the Drug-Free World information and prevention campaign features thirteen Truth About Drugs booklets—one for each of the most commonly abused substances. Campaign materials also include an Educator’s Kit to provide teachers, law enforcement and community groups effective tools to help young people make the right decision. Incisive public service announcements and documentary videos complement the Truth About Drugs series—ninety minutes on every drug of choice from those who have been there.

To date, more than 700 million have heard or seen the Truth About Drugs message, and wherever campaign materials have saturated populations, usage rates have dramatically dropped.