
I’ve heard plenty of people ask, “If Islam is a religion of peace, why aren’t they speaking out against terrorism?” My answer is and has been for a while, “They are.” Just one example of this can be seen here. Now, why didn’t you hear about this? Muslims speaking out against terrorism .
At the beginning of June, a U.S. senator grilled an appointee to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The senator attempted to use the appointee’s Christian beliefs to imply he was intolerant of other religions (namely Islam) and therefore unfit for the job.
The story of how a new mosque was approved for construction in Bernard Township, New Jersey is a classic case of good news and bad news. First the good news. As of May 30th, Bernard Township will allow the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge to build a new mosque.
“Nothing ruins a dinner party faster than religion or politics.” It’s the unspoken agreement of a polite dinner host and guests. Why? Because people can’t keep their manners in when talking about these two subjects. They’re especially volatile in the current political climate.
When I was in my teens I could cruise any major street in Southern California and stop for a hamburger. Now I can stop for Mexican food, Middle Eastern food, Chinese food, sushi, Indian food, Thai food, Italian food, vegan food ... or I can have a hamburger.
I was raised Jewish, and I remember going to temple and reading from the Torah when I was 11. Unfortunately, I could read the Hebrew symbols, but had no concept of what those sounds meant. So I gave up studying the Torah.
When I was a child and frustrated my mom, she would express her impatience with a slight increase in her genteel Southern accent and a forced restraint as if she were counting from 1 to 10 in her head as she spoke. And then she would blurt out: “Don’t do as I do. Do as I say.