Scientology Religion

One can spot a true leader miles away. Their certainty of ability, humbleness in accomplishment and compassion for the whole damn world and every person in it are all visible.
I was born in the South. There’s a kind of running joke about how someone in the South can insult you so politely you’re not even upset about it (if you even notice at all).
This month, the world marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, the landmark bestseller by L. Ron Hubbard.
Whenever someone claiming to be a former Scientologist writes something disparaging about our church, one telling thing pops into view that reveals they must have never gotten the memo: their own proclivity to blame.
In just about every society on earth, we humans are handed nothing but limits from the time we are born. The limits of popular opinion, culture, and thought along with authorities to appeal to, permissions to ask, expectations to meet.
When I moved from a small town in upstate New York to the San Francisco Bay area at the age of 11, I found myself at the beginning of a cultural revolution. A few miles away, the hippie movement was getting started in the hills above Palo Alto. Although I was oblivious to it in the first couple of years after the move, it became obvious as time went on:
I never heard about Scientology when I was in high school. Most likely because news didn’t travel so fast back when I was a teenager. I didn’t have a cell phone or a personal computer with which I could freely jump onto the communication lines of the world and pull information from whatever sources were out there. I was more of an outdoorsy kind of guy and didn’t watch a whole lot of TV, but I definitely listened to the radio.
You are talking to a percentage of the population that would hate YOU if you caught their attention enough.
The thing that Scientologists take issue with is the lack of science behind so much of the psychiatric community’s categorizations and diagnoses of these obvious behavioral issues. And even more important, what possible good comes from merely naming a condition when there’s no hard science to prove it, and no cure? All that happens is people are turned into life-long “patients” who come to define themselves and their human experience through the distorted lens of a “condition” they have been told they have.
Sometimes the bar isn’t set very high, like the year my son said that his primary objective for the next 12 months was to “take more warm baths.”