I’m honestly shocked you would even spread such lies.

Respecting the religious beliefs of others is very important in this world. Not only that, but attacking one of the fastest growing religions which can prove with statistics and facts how it is bettering and improving lives, saving lives of those on drugs, is just wrong.

January 3, 2017

ABC 20/20 
New York, N.Y. 10023

Dear Mr. Harris,

I was recently told by some Scientology friends that ABC 20/20 is planning on a vicious attack against Scientology and its children. Having been raised a Scientologist and raising my own kids, I’m honestly shocked you would even spread such lies.

A few personal truths of myself:

  • I was going to flunk first grade. My mother helped me study one of the Scientology “learning how to learn” courses, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, and this shot me up to getting all As and Bs in rest of 1st grade as well as every grade thereafter.
  • My back was crooked and I had discomforts when younger. My mother regularly gave me a Nerve Assist. Assist are techniques developed by Mr. Hubbard to address the emotional and spiritual aspects in illnesses and injuries. My back straightened out and since then I’ve been told by a couple different chiropractors that I have an incredibly straight back and wonderful posture. Also, even better, I don’t have chronic pains anymore.
  • I did many Scientology basic courses for improving life, including "How To Get Along With Others" and "Communications Course". All were incredibly helpful in my life. Every kid, adult and coworker I’ve had the pleasure to meet has commented on how cheerful I am, how openly communicative I am and honest. Yes, I engaged in "TRs" or Training Drills, specifically as laid out by L. Ron Hubbard. And I admit—these tremendously assisted me in getting over a fear of "big people" and enabled me to better communicate to adults, and kids for that matter, when I needed help or even when I didn’t like when they were doing something mean.
  • I 100% acknowledge the fact that Scientology studies and technologies have assisted me in obtaining a successful life, being happy, and having a happy family.

Now for a few facts of my own kids:

  • I have a 7-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter. My son had a tough time in kindergarten and 1st grade, always having to be "the best" or "the first" and if he wasn’t, he would have huge fits. Of course this isn’t nice for him or for others around him. I utilized my own knowledge of Scientology study tools and started clearing up words he used at school, had him give examples of things he was studying and yes, had him do Training Drills of his own with his sister. What a change! He stopped having fits in the middle of his class rooms. He started using his words when he didn’t understand or like something. He stopped hitting, and instead had good manners. Now that’s a direct result of Scientology bettering my son.
  • 3 weeks after my son was born he had a brief operation. About 8 hours after, he started heavily bleeding and my husband and I hurriedly drove to the hospital. On the way my son was screaming and bleeding so I just did what I learned in Scientology: I started giving him a Touch Assist. Moments later, the bleeding stopped and my son stopped crying. We arrived to the hospital the doctor was impressed at how quickly he recovered.
  • Both my kids ask for a Touch Assist or Nerve Assist when they aren’t feeling well. Within just a couple of minutes it calms down their bodies and they say they feel better and usually go right to sleep. Neither get sick often. It’s common sense to use a tool that has been proven to help, isn’t it?

I decided to use Scientology in my life as I saw how it had helped my family when I was young: a Church staff member in New York did Scientology Marriage Counseling with my parents, salvaged their marriage and then they had my sister. They’ve been married for over 40 years and both agree if it hadn’t been for Scientology, they would have divorced.

Scientology saved the life of a friend who had been on some heavy drugs (he did the Purification and 100% came off drugs). Four close friends I personally worked with for many hours, using The Way To Happiness book (non-religious moral code) and some other basic books on life improvement, are doing much better. Income has doubled, they are way happier and they continue on in Scientology as they know how it has greatly improved their lives.

Having others speak badly of Scientology of course upsets me but honestly, I just say "you should find out for yourself before saying or spreading something you personally haven’t experienced or seen." Tends to shut them up as they can’t argue with the truth.

Respecting the religious beliefs of others is very important in this world. Not only that, but attacking one of the fastest growing religions which can prove with statistics and facts how it is bettering and improving lives, saving lives of those on drugs, is just wrong.

Aaradona Walker
Santa Rosa, Calif.

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