
“The Will to Create Is the Same as the Will to Live”—Achieving Immortality Through Holocaust Art
In 1944, a courageous band of artists at the Nazi concentration camp Theresienstadt cobbled together a play inspired by the joke—a black comedy entitled The Last Cyclist, in which bicycle riders are blamed for all of civilization’s woes and are hunted down and killed, one by one.
Anti-Semitism 101, Part 1: The Roots of the Movement
The Jews, then, were set apart in the ancient world, a factor that worked both for them—preserving a unique and imperishable identity—and against them, making them stand out as “different,” and hence a people to be watched closely and suspiciously.
Anti-Semitism and the Festival of Lights
When I was traveling through Arkansas with a business partner, our host pointed out a burned-out establishment and proclaimed it was “Jew fire,” implying it was arson for profit, set to collect insurance proceeds.
The Arolsen Holocaust Archives—A New Book Awakens Both Our Sense of Beauty & Responsibility
These photographs are proof of what happens when bigotry, fanaticism and blind obedience go unchecked.
The Fragility of Hate
From the perspective of this planet and possibly the whole universe, then, Hate has existed for less time than it takes to boil an egg.
The Mystery of Goodness
One diplomat in particular, a Japanese man by the name of Chiune Sugihara, worked day and night, against the wishes of his government, to personally rescue more than 2,000 Jews. He paid for it by spending the rest of his days carrying other people’s bags as a harbor porter—a life sentence of back-breaking labor as the reward for a man with a heart of gold who deserved the world.
What You Can Do About Ignorance and Hate
We do not have to hate each other, we do not have to fight, we do not have to natter and criticize and we do not have to be as desperately unhappy as so many of us are when filled with disgust for our fellow man.
Mr. Adelman: Please Open Your Eyes to Who Scientologists Really Are
I urge you to take a very good look at this and withdraw your financial support from any activity that attacks a good group working hard for a better world. Please do what you can to stop funding this horrendous show. As Jews, we both know what it means to be persecuted for our religion, and we are the last people who should do this to anyone.
Procter & Gamble—This is an Appeal to Your Better Judgment—Remini Hate Does Not Sell
I know I will personally boycott any product whose sales will help support this attack on religion. And I am not alone in this thinking.
Remembering the Last Survivor of a German Anti-Nazi Resistance Group
“We will not keep silent. We are your guilty conscience. The White Rose will not let you alone.”