freedom from religion foundation

A Very Satanic Xmas: Freedom of Speech or Just Plain Provocation?
Over the 2016 Christmas period, Boca Raton’s traditional Christian Nativity scene gained an unlikely neighbor: a satanic display in the form of an inverted blood-red pentagram. It was put there by a member of the FFRF (Freedom from Religion Foundation), a middle school language arts teacher named Preston Smith. And he’s planning to repeat the operation in 2017.
Hate, Inc.: The Marketing of Bigotry for Profit
Bricks through windows, swastikas scrawled on synagogues, charred African-American churches, knocked-over tombstones in Jewish cemeteries, beaten and slaughtered minorities—these are all the debris of hate crimes, the products of bigotry, and are repulsive to any decent. person.
If You’re Trying to Get Rid of Religion, It’s Gonna’ Be a Long Haul
When the “ Freedom From Religion Foundation” and other atheist crusaders put on their big-boy pants and go after religious symbols on postal workers and bureaucrats, Christmas trees at the White House or Holiday Menorahs on Sunset Blvd in Beverly Hills, I’ll believe they are sincere.
To Those Working to Eradicate Religion: What About Helping People Instead?
When I look at the state of the world today—what with some 25 million individuals being human trafficked, two people dying in conflicts every minute, and lives shattered by drug addiction everyday—I have this (apparently misguided) sense that there are more important problems to “solve” than a Peace Cross commemorating World War I veterans or a Ten Commandments monument at a City Hall in New Mexico.
Why Is a Texas School Being Bullied by the Freedom From Religion Foundation?
This is not free thinking. This is hostile to religion and to an individual’s freedom of religious choice, as outlined explicitly in the U.S. Constitution and its amendments.