Scientology TV

Remini: Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much
Think for yourself. And trust your “thou-dost-protest-too-much” alarm when it goes off.
The Mystery of Goodness
One diplomat in particular, a Japanese man by the name of Chiune Sugihara, worked day and night, against the wishes of his government, to personally rescue more than 2,000 Jews. He paid for it by spending the rest of his days carrying other people’s bags as a harbor porter—a life sentence of back-breaking labor as the reward for a man with a heart of gold who deserved the world.
Who Are Scientologists, Anyway?
First, the diversity—people from all countries, races, languages, ages and professions. It was fascinating. Individuals from all over the world, all walks of life and every stage of life were sharing very personal stories of what their religion meant to them and each story was as unique as the person telling it.
Management Today, You Should Practice What You Preach
The true story of Scientology is far more exciting and revealing. I enclose a link to the Church’s new television channel, broadcasting 24 hours a day, so you can get a head start finding out who we truly are and what we actually do.
Houston Press Bigoted Snark is Out of Place in an Otherwise Great Article
In this time of intolerance, misunderstanding, hate and vengeful invective against people and religions, no one needs to add to it. Rather, we all need to find and explore points of agreement and so achieve greater understanding.
WAMC Pandering to a Person Who Scammed $21 Million Savings From Retirees
It amazes me that you would provide a platform to someone who so narrowly escaped jail time for masterminding a multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme that cost so many seniors dearly.
Disney Is Supporting Religious Discrimination
Given the history of the Disney Company, it’s my guess that the prejudice against my church stems more from being misinformed than from actual malice.
The Not-So-Secret Symbols of Scientology
He grabbed his phone and began dialing a number while waving me away to resume pumping my gas.
“Under the Turban” Documentary Deepens Our Understanding of Sikhs and Their Faith
From India to Manhattan to Canada, it is the same: Sikhs the world over, regardless of their station in life, believe in equality, community and mutual respect.