Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Brigham Young’s Birthday: Celebrating a Legacy of Hope & Help Through Saints the World Over
The church he saved has grown a thousandfold since that exodus. It now numbers 16 million worldwide.
Faith in Action: Why Better Religion Is the Answer to “Bad” Religion
Real, authentic faith inspires acts of love and uplift.
The Same House, Through Different Doors—the Interfaith Philosophy of Bishop Jon Fish
If I were a traditional journalist, I would not interview Bishop Jon Fish of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He makes no accusations, nurses no grudges, minimizes conflicts, ignores those who denigrate his faith, and works to spread understanding and inclusion. He’s a “glass half full” kind of guy, and a journalist or an editor looking for a quick piece of clickbait or a mean-spirited comment for “controversy” would come up empty.
The Dangers of Bias: Why “Murder Among the Mormons” Should Worry Us All
Netflix’s recent three-part documentary, Murder Among the Mormons, is just the latest in a long line of mainstream media attacks against religion which perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Unfortunately, such stereotypes fuel “other-ness” and hate against minority groups.
Gaddy v. Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2020)
BYU Annual Review Confronts Problem of Dwindling Religious Communities—Consequences and Solutions 
“Congregations hold people together. They hold their communities together.”