anti-religious bigotry

Mother Jones promoting religious hate book
I read your segment of early today concerning books that bring people solace and to my astonishment saw reference to Lawrence Wright’s propaganda on Scientology.
STAND Demands Resignation of Fox News Reporter Eben Brown After his Hate Tweet is Exposed
It is unconscionable in this day and age that a reporter for a respected news network should be permitted to get away with this type of invitation to violence. It would not be tolerated with any other religion and should in no way be tolerated against Scientology.
STAND Demands Keep its Reporting Clean
I read the piece you published in entitled “The Denver Post Successfully Lowers Public Intelligence.” What a shameless, bigoted reference to the Church of Scientology you carried in it.
Yashar Acknowledges Failure, Publishes Crashing Subscriber Graph
Self-confessed anti-religious bigot Yashar Ali posted on Instagram a graph of his crashing subscribers.
Martha Ross Has a Huge Crush on Sex Trafficking Champion Tony Ortega
I wrote my article! Tony said he LOVED IT! He couldn’t find a scrap of truth in it!! I’m blushing!!!
The Gospel According to Deadbeat Hatemonger Yashar Ali
True to his word, Yashar stalks and harasses Scientologists to such an extent that his own disciples call his rants “deranged,” “insane,” and “ridiculous.”
California Releases Landmark Antisemitism Plan
“The Golden State Plan will help us reverse the normalization of rising antisemitism and… make California a safer place for all.”