
In the World of Crisis Headlines, Is Philosophy a Waste of Time?
Philosophy is one of those topics that seems to belong in some ivy-covered building being discussed by men in vests who punctuate pronouncements by pointing with a pipe stem and woman in fine dresses holding tea cups with their pinky fingers aloft.
Is Hate Contagious?
On February 22, a murder in Kansas drew national attention. Srinivas Kuchibhotla, who had moved from India to the United States to study aviation engineering, was relaxing in a bar with a friend. A man started shouting racial slurs at the pair and told them to “ get out of [his] country.“
Know What You’re Objecting To
It’s fine if you object, but at least know what it is you’re objecting to. As a Scientologist of 36 years, I’ve read and heard things from others about my religion that left me scratching my head in wonder. I am referring to some of the weird ideas people get.
Life After Death—What Scientology Did for Me
It became apparent she was fighting for life, not for herself, but so her family would not have to suffer her death. Realizing that, we told her not to worry about us, but to do what she must do to get well or—unsaid—that other thing, if her pain and suffering became too much.
Look, Don’t Listen
Everyone knows the heart pumps blood in the human body, circulating it throughout the system over and over. Right? In the 2nd century, however, Galen,—a noted philosopher, physician, and surgeon in the Roman Empire, believed the liver was the source point of blood, being created by eating food.
Me, Before and After Scientology
Scientology has given me the key to embracing life as an exciting adventure, not something to endure or hide from. Priceless.
Scientology: What’s in a Name?
Ron was discussing methods of determining sanity. He described sanity in a number of ways but the simplest was noting the individual’s ability to compute—think—accurately. The word that got me was “accurately.”
The “C”-Word
I’m telling you to stop using the word “cult.” The “C” word. Just stop it. Why? I challenge you—if you can show me a sentence where the word “cult” isn’t demeaning, I’ll back off. Email me here. Everyone knows of the problem with the “N”-word.
The Truth About Mariette Lindstein Is a Lot More Interesting
A violent, unstable and self-confessed liar and kleptomaniac, Lindstein joined the Scientology religious order thirty-some years ago and was expelled in 2004. Today she’s trying to “cash in” on the popularity of her former religion, hoping to sell what she admits is a completely fictional account as “truth.”
Why Is Scientology Treated “Unfairly?”
Cultures change slowly. I was born in 1945. When I was growing up in Washington, D.C., discrimination against African Americans, Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Gays, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and Muslims was not the least bit unusual and was largely accepted. Southern politicians got elected based on who was the loudest and most viciously racist.