RFI Awards Highest Honor to Former USCIRF Chair Robert George

The Religious Freedom Institute (RFI) has announced that Princeton jurisprudence professor Robert George is its recipient of the Defender of Religious Freedom Award.

Religious Freedom Institute award recipient
Robert George, Princeton professor and former chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom 

A former chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and awardee of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty’s Canterbury Medal and the U.S. Presidential Citizens Medal, George accepted RFI’s highest award at a ceremony at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. late last year. There, he spoke of the joy of fighting for religious freedom.

“We are the happiest of happy warriors,” George said, “serene in the knowledge that we are contending for the highest and best of causes, precisely because we are fighting for the dignity and the flourishing of our brothers and sisters of every faith.”

At the core of it all, George said, is “the fundamental dignity of the human person—the importance to all of us as human beings, as rational creatures, of the spiritual quest and the value of the spiritual life.”

RFI is a nonprofit organization that works to achieve universal acceptance of religious freedom as a fundamental human right by working with stakeholders, building coalitions and using action teams throughout the world to enlighten governments, businesses and the public on the vital importance of the free exercise of religion.

STAND congratulates Professor Robert George and RFI itself for keeping the lamp of religious freedom lit throughout the world.