The day after Thanksgiving 2018, I suffered a heart attack and was rushed through triple bypass surgery. My wife is helping me with wonderful care. Our home is full of flowers; I thank the many family and friends who sent their love, admiration and best wishes for my wellbeing.
In the Galileo museum in Florence, Italy, carefully and lovingly preserved by his admirers in an ornate and gilded glass bubble, is the middle finger of Galileo, the 16 th century scientist and mathematician whose research and writings propelled science and discovery into its present day form.
We would have dinner and spend the rest of the night talking till the wee hours about religion—he from his perspective and me from mine as a Scientologist—starting with comparisons of morals and over a few evenings getting deeply into our spiritual nature.
So you were right all along. All that “no man is an island” stuff is true, after all. You bother me or yell at me or snub me, and the world changes for the worse. I do something bad to you and we ALL get irked on some level.
In truth, you have FAR more reason to be terrified of death by carpool. The odds are way higher that you’ll be a carpool fatality than a terrorist one.
Just as the only thing we need to fear is Fear itself, so the only thing truly worth hating is Hate. And since Hate equals Fear, anyway, the next time you feel your gorge rising with venom against something you’ve read or someone you’ve heard, try this handy little remedy:
Philosophy is one of those topics that seems to belong in some ivy-covered building being discussed by men in vests who punctuate pronouncements by pointing with a pipe stem and woman in fine dresses holding tea cups with their pinky fingers aloft.
A few days later, the Rabbi found a package on his front walk containing anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi pamphlets and a card reading: “The KKK is watching you, scum.”
When you want to bring up a faith that’s not your own, you better know what you’re talking about. You better be accurate, and you better not side with a bigot. History tells us a lot of the biggest wars came from misunderstanding—or not tolerating—another’s faith.
What’s more, the high IQ free-thinker is much more likely to become curious about the effort by vested interests to drag them away from the demonized subject.