human rights

I’ve heard that Scientologists are doing good things for society. What are some specific examples?
What is United for Human Rights?
What is Youth for Human Rights?
The Church of Scientology sponsors a worldwide Human Rights awareness campaign and a global education initiative entitled “ Youth for Human Rights .” These campaigns are presently implemented in coordination with advocates and government officials in 82 nations.
Why are Scientologists so vocal on the subject of human rights?
Religious Discrimination Against the Church of Scientology and Its Parishioners in Germany
For more than two decades, officials in the German government have condoned a policy and practice of religious discrimination against Scientologists in Germany. Federal and state officials have urged the public to blacklist and boycott Scientologists from every aspect of German life.
The UN: Fighting the Battle for Peace for 78 Years
Protecting human rights is the UN’s most important and most vital job.
Why My Church Fights for Free Speech
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ― George Washington
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Earning Our Right to Be Called Human
Human Rights Day celebrates an idea—the very simple idea, expressed in six concise pages, that to be human is to have rights.
The Antidote for Hate and Bigotry—Why the World Deserves “Kindness Day”
“The most valuable asset we have, actually, is our ability to understand, to do the right thing, to be kind, to be decent.” — L. Ron Hubbard
Religious Leaders and Scholars Urge Passage of Senate Religious Freedom Resolution
“The fundamental right of every person to have a faith, live your faith, change your faith, or have no faith at all must be recognized throughout the world.”