religious freedom

American Rights and the Thought Police
When our Founding Fathers started this country, they put certain rights into place to protect the citizens of a new nation. These guys were pretty bright and they set up a system that included things like Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Assemble and Freedom of the Press.
Balancing Public Health and Religious Freedom—Churches and COVID-19
The New York State decision is not going to be the end of the discussion. Other cases are pending. Legislative bodies have become involved, such as a bill introduced into the Oklahoma State Senate to prevent government bodies from restricting lawful religious activities and recognizing the essential nature of churches.
Bipartisan Report Shows Severe Curtailment of Religious Freedom Internationally
There is a lot to deal with to set things right and bring about true religious freedom in the world.
Breaking News: Scientologists Eat Salad!
How well I remember that morning in 1985 when I awoke to see a piece produced by a local Portland, Oregon TV news show marveling at the fact that Scientologists, like other humans, eat salad.
Can We Make 2020 the Year of Tolerance?
Change won’t happen unless you and I stand up for what is right and demand that our beliefs—whatever they may be—are respected as they should be.
Canadian Supreme Court Finds For the Jehovah’s Witnesses
The decision is a victory for the rights of religious groups to uphold standards for membership based on their own religious beliefs and to be free to resolve purely ecclesiastical matters for themselves.
Church of Scientology Contributes to Major Study on Priest-Penitent Privilege
The book is now the leading comparative study of a subject of great importance to religious leaders and people of faith.
City in Washington Prevents Minister from Helping Homeless
Probably everyone reading this post has personally observed the large and growing problem of homelessness in the United States. And whatever the cause or causes, we’d all have to agree that the homeless are in need of help.
Confession, Religion and Peace
Have you ever gotten something off your chest and felt the relief? I'm talking about an act you committed, large or small, that was eating away at you, leaving you all balled up in regret and guilt.
Congress and President Make Permanent a Law to Protect International Religious Freedom
“Global Magnitsky sanctions are the gold standard for holding human rights abusers accountable.”