
The STAND team extends its wishes for a bright, happy holiday season to friends, allies and all those across the globe working to make the warmth of these few precious weeks a reality year-round, and to end suffering, hardship and discrimination for all.
A nationwide survey of 6,364 U.S. adults confirmed that the majority of Americans value churches and religious organizations . According to the poll by the Pew Research Center, 55 percent believe that churches and religious organizations “do more good than harm in American society.
According to a national survey of 1,639 adults released earlier this month by CNN, a substantial majority of Americans feel that the nation’s increasing diversity is a good thing.
“Freedom of religion or belief, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of association are interdependent, interrelated and mutually reinforcing. They are enshrined in articles 18, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“Our hearts go out to the victims of the El Paso and Dayton shootings and their families. We stand with you, and, in so doing, join with all Americans who despise hate and discrimination in their many forms,” said STAND’s International Director Edward Parkin.
Hailing the study as the “first-of-its-kind,” the university released a statement in which Chunara said, “We found that more targeted, discriminatory tweets posted in a city related to a higher number of hate crimes. This trend across different types of cities (for example, urban, rural, large, and small) confirms the need to more specifically study how different types of discriminatory speech online may contribute to consequences in the physical world.”
“STAND is proud to participate alongside officials of the Church of Scientology both in this historic Ministerial and the International Religious Freedom Roundtable, which has played a vital role in making this event possible,” said International STAND Director Edward Parkin.
Nat Hentoff, the iconic journalist who had written for the publication since 1958 and was revered as “The Voice of the Voice,” was among the many staff terminations. In 2008, Ortega fired Hentoff via telephone.
The Declaration stands as one of the greatest milestones along humanity’s long, winding and often rocky path toward greater freedom and human rights.
“For 10 years, I’ve been telling people about the importance of human rights and mentioning the United Nations … but yesterday, I not only attended a Summit at the United Nations, I was given a Human Rights Hero Award…. What a dream come true!” actress Sheena Chohan