As difficult as some of these cases may be, courts have usually sided with the church and with the Lockean ideas. The church, not the state, distinguishes between human actions based on their religious motivation or lack thereof.
Politics is a zero-sum game. It is a game of power and control, and for one party to win, another party has to lose. (There has never been an election where both parties won.) Religion, on the other hand, is a win-win game. When a Hindu worshipper strives for freedom from the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth, he does not impinge on a Muslim’s relationship with Allah, or a Christian’s worship of Christ, or any of the other myriad ways that believers manifest their beliefs.
Protecting freedom of religion and the ability to speak and share religious ideas and beliefs openly, honestly and freely is vital to the health and well-being of all people, regardless of what they choose to believe.
The answer to every problem that exists between people or groups is always, always more communication and attempts at understanding, no matter how challenging or even hopeless the odds of a true, productive dialogue seem.
Like many Americans, I tend to take for granted that we have religious freedom in this country.
There is a lot to deal with to set things right and bring about true religious freedom in the world.
As a 7th grader, I visited the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C., where there is a quote in huge letters around the inner dome of the building. It reads: “ I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
The United Nations and its member states have a complicated history with regard to religious freedom.
The New York State decision is not going to be the end of the discussion. Other cases are pending. Legislative bodies have become involved, such as a bill introduced into the Oklahoma State Senate to prevent government bodies from restricting lawful religious activities and recognizing the essential nature of churches.
People so often show their true colors during challenging times and, for most people, that means finding ways to succeed in spite of any and all barriers. There are countless examples of selfless acts around the world over the course of this challenging, unforgettable year. Thankfully only a small minority of people actually wish ill on others. They can be difficult to spot because they can come in any “form”—attractive or homely, prosperous or destitute, charming or rude—but you will know them by their actions.