Scientology Religion

Scientology does not discriminate in who it helps. It literally can help anyone: the young, the old, the rich, the poor, the Democrat, the Republican and on and on and on…
I have often seen confusion arise in the minds of people who hear snippets of the theatrical, artificial media version of Scientology. My own family, friends and acquaintances know me as mostly “normal” and hard working. A little wacky, a little funny, somewhat interesting, but just another guy.
I thought back to close family members and friends who had spent time taking antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs under the care of a psychiatrist or MD, and how it felt like they became completely different people while they were on them.
“This is classic,” I thought. This guy was the poster child for the usual type of person who rages against Scientology. You’ve met this type in your own life. Ignorant, smug, self-satisfied, self-aggrandizing, self-deluded, in a constant search for anything and anyone to hate and belittle, thinking it will somehow make them look good.
The day after Thanksgiving 2018, I suffered a heart attack and was rushed through triple bypass surgery. My wife is helping me with wonderful care. Our home is full of flowers; I thank the many family and friends who sent their love, admiration and best wishes for my wellbeing.
A few months ago I reconnected with an old, incredibly close friend of mine from my long-gone youth, a friend who had a major impact on my teenage life. Our reconnection conversation was a satisfying look back that gave me a renewed appreciation of my life looking forward.
So my solution to this is, when someone asks me about a few upset ex-Scientologists out there complaining, I just “do the math” with them.
While I have been Jewish all my life, for the last 12 years I have added Scientology to my religious resumé. In practicing a new religion, I have encountered lies, false information and mis-information about what we “do.”
The immortality of the soul is certainly a crucial and integral part of the belief systems of most if not all religions. And rightfully so.
Imagine living in a world where you have something in your life that you find incredibly helpful and rewarding, something that gives you specific tools to solve day to day problems you’re hitting up against, and the support system you need to be the best possible version of yourself.