hate speech

STAND Calls for Those Victimized by A360 Media Hate to Come Forward
To date, STAND has documented upwards of 650 instances of hate speech, outright lies and discriminatory content by American Media Inc., now A360 Media.
The Sun Writers Emma Parry & Chris White: “We Only Publish Hate Speech”
“Journalistic misconduct like that of Emma Parry and Chris White is what has crashed public confidence in the media while fueling a toxic subculture of intolerance, discrimination and the victimization of minorities,” said National STAND Director Bari Berger.
Tamron Hall Promotes Discrimination on Daytime Show
“It is unacceptable that Tamron Hall would promote a hate campaigner against any religion—anti-Scientology is anti-Scientology, anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism, Islamophobia is Islamophobia and discrimination is discrimination. Enough is enough,” said STAND National Director Bari Berger. “Hall is apparently one of the few public figures left who believes there is a place for blatant bigotry in mainstream media today.”
USA Today Promulgates Abusive Hate Speech From Blog of Sex Trafficking Apologist
“This is the company USA Today apparently keeps—sex trafficking apologists and antireligious extremists who harass and incite hate against members of a minority religion,” said Bari Berger, National STAND Director, referring to Leah Remini, whose anti-Scientology hate campaign has resulted in more than 600 threats and acts of violence against Scientologists and their children and families.
Interview with relatives of Lori Hodgson
Jessica and Jeremy Leake describe how Lori Hodgson attacked their personal beliefs and even ambushed her son with a news crew brought to his place of employment.
Hollywood’s Casual Endorsement of Hate Speech Sets a New Low
I have absolutely had it with Hollywood and the media’s unbelievably casual acceptance of outright hate speech.
UN Targets the Fuel That Sparks Hate on International Day for Countering Hate Speech
“Hate is a danger to everyone—and so fighting it must be a job for everyone.”
Rabid Bigot Leah Remini Feigns Affability as Damage Control for Destroyed Image
Remini is a self-described “horrible” person and “a monster.”
Seven Years Later, Remembering the Violent Hate Crime Leah Remini Inspired at My Grandchildren’s Church
This hate-induced act of violence serves as a sobering reminder that bigotry and propaganda can have serious and frightening consequences.
Mike Rinder’s Shame: Lying About His Words, Then Lying About His Lies
Mike Rinder, expelled former Scientologist and inveterate liar, cannot keep the truth straight.